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发布时间:2023-10-16       浏览量:399

【题  目】Polishing followers' future work selves! The critical roles of leader future orientation and vision communication

【时  间】2023年10月17日,10点

【地  点】后主楼 1610会议室

摘要:Future work self salience (FWSS) refers to a clear and accessible image of possible self-concerning future work that encapsulates individual hopes and aspirations. FWSS guides employees' work and careers and leads to many favorable work consequences, such as work engagement, organizational socialization, and job performance. However, little is known about its antecedents. This research explores how leaders can be leveraged to shape follower FWSS and suggests that follower FWSS is cultivated by future-oriented leaders who communicate visions. Moreover, leader self-integrity is identified as an important boundary condition. The results of a multi-wave, multi-source survey featuring leader-follower dyads indicate that leader future orientation facilitates leader vision communication, which in turn, enhances follower FWSS. In addition, this indirect effect is contingent upon a first-stage moderator, leader self-integrity, such that the indirect effect is more salient when leaders have higher self-integrity. Implications for theory, practice, and future research are addressed.



第一作者论文发表于Journal of Vocational Behavior、Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology、Asia Pacific Journal of Management、Computers in Human Behavior、《心理科学进展》。研究成果入选第83届美国管理学会大会最佳论文集,并被提名大会组织行为分部最佳论文奖(约1‰)。曾获北大光华院长科研奖、阿里巴巴活水学者支持计划优秀成果、腾讯-清华WeSpace学术支持计划优秀成果、中国人力资源开发年会大会优秀论文,担任国内外多个期刊审稿人及专题主编。

