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CfP for UCT-BNU-HNU Special Issue with Economic Modelling
Release time:2019-07-06     Views:

Call for Papers

Time :CfP for UCT-BNU-HNU Special Issue with Economic Modelling

The Center for Financial Development and Stability at Henan University (CFDS), the Beijing Normal University Business School (BNUBS), and the School of Economics at the University of Cape Town (UCT) are jointly organizing an Open Access Special Issue on

“Poverty and Inequality: Evidence from the BRICS and Beyond”

to be published in the journal

Economic Modelling

as part of their cooperation under the umbrella of the BRICS Network University (BRICS NU).

The Special Issue

Even more than in the old industrial countries of the West – where income and wealth distribution was recently put back on the agenda by Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century – poverty and inequality are among the most pressing issues for emerging markets. Tackling inequality therefore is one of the three core objectives of the economics group of the BRICS NU. With this special issue, we aim to provide a platform to give new impulses for the research on inequality in particular (but not exclusively) in the BRICS.

Submission process

Submission are handled through Economic Modelling’s online submission system (

Submission deadline : April 30th, 2019.

Make sure to select the correct special issue when submitting, otherwise your paper will not be assigned to one of the Guest Editors. For questions please contact

Submitters will have to pay the regular submission fee.

The open access cost will be covered by the sponsors of the issue.


If you are currently working on inequality in the BRICS we would like to encourage you to submit to the conferences organized by the sponsors for this special issue. The BNUBS will host a conference dedicated to this issue in July 2019 (for information contact and the HenU/INFER-Workshop on Applied Macroeconomics in March 2019 in Kaifeng will host a session on the BRICS (


BRICS NU is a joint project initiated by the ministries of education of all five BRICS countries to foster cooperation in academia. The international thematic group “economics” is one of six groups and aims to contribute to some of the most pressing economic issues that the BRICS are facing in the near future, especially inequality, (financial) development, and the role of the BRICS in the globalization. To get more information on the BRICS NU economics ITG please contact
