7th Lecture of the Academic Lecture Series of BNUBS’s 40th Anniversary & Expert Forums of BNUBS (Episode 91th)
Time :7th Lecture of the Academic Lecture Series of BNUBS’s 40th Anniversary

Topic: Understanding Accountants and Control: Theoretical Analyses in an Applied Science.


Speaker:Frank Hartmann,professor of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam


Time & Date: 14:00-15:30 on November 11, 2019(Monday)


Venue: Room 1620, Houzhulou Building


Host:Cui Xuegang, professor of Business School, Beijing Normal University




Frank Hartmann, professor and PhD supervisor of Department of Accounting & Control, Rotterdam School of Rotterdam, Erasmus University; is internationally renowned neuroaccounting scholar. His research covers neuroaccounting and management and control system design. He has published more than 60 articles on the top international academic journals and famous journals such as The Accounting Review, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Abacus, Management Accounting Research, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Financial Management, Accounting and Business Research, The European Accounting Review, Behavioral Research in Accounting, British Journal of Management and Frontiers in Psychology. Currently he serves as the associate editor of Abacus and The European Accounting Review, and a member of the editorial committee of The British Accounting Review.

