Good News-- Two Cases of Our School Were Selected as "National Top 100 Cases"
Time :2021-09-14

The winners of the 12th "One Hundred National Excellent Management Cases" were announced on September 10th. The selection activity was organized by the National Education Steering Committee for Graduate Students in Business Administration and China Management Case Sharing Center. Teacher Wu Yanran's case The Noise Trader that cannot be ignored -GME's Multi-air War and teacher Qian Jing's micro case The Value Innovation of Agricultural Products: The Way to Spread the Product Value of Happy Eggs were selected as "One Hundred National Excellent Management Cases" and "One Hundred National Excellent Management Cases (micro cases)" respectively.


Provided by MBA Education Center

Edited by Zhang Li

Reviewed by Cui Xuegang



  Notice on recognizing the winners of the 12th "One Hundred National Excellent Management Cases"